Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yes We Can

The flight from London to Delhi was interminable not just because of its length but also because we couldn’t get any news about the election.  As a card-carrying New York liberal and a Deputy Field Organizer for the Obama campaign, I am extremely invested in the outcome and not being able to watch the results role in was excruciating.  However with about 45 minutes to go in our flight, a headline came over saying the Obama had won and we danced a little in-seat jig.  Another American came back to make sure that I knew the outcome.  Somehow wearing an Obama 2008 T-shirt clued everyone to my allegiance.  What was fascinating was the enthusiasm of the Brits and Indians over Obama’s election.  Once we got to the hotel, I could go on-line to check out the election results in more detail including getting the really good news that Hamilton County shifted from Republican to Democratic.  So I felt like my four weeks of work for the campaign had some positive impact.  

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